Order | Type | Group | Form-ati | Member | Description | Upper | Lower | Basin |
By No. | on | Age | Age |
2674.0 | SED | ZECH | MCAR | Middle Carbonate | PU | SONS |
2675.0 | MEVA | Middle Evaporite |
2676.0 | UCAR | Upper Carbonate |
2677.0 | LCAR | Lower Carbonate |
2678.0 | UEVA | Upper Evaporite |
2679.0 | MPMS | Mid Permian Marls and Sandstones | SPE |
2680.0 | Z7 | Zechstein Z7 | SONS |
2681.0 | Z7HF | Z7HF Z7 Halite |
2682.0 | Z6 | Zechstein Z6 |
2683.0 | Z6SF | Z6SF Z6 Siltstone |
2684.0 | Z6HF | Z6HF Z6 Halite |
2685.0 | Z5 | Zechstein Z5 |
2686.0 | Z5SF | Z5SF Z5 Siltstone |
2687.0 | Z5HF | Z5HF Z5 Halite |
2688.0 | Z4FM | Zechstein IV Formation |
2689.0 | Z4 | Zechstein Z4 | PR | CNSB |
2690.0 | Z4EV | Z4EV Z4 Evaporite | PU | SONS |
2691.0 | RSCM | Red Salt Clay Member | PR |
2692.0 | POTZ | Potassic Zone | PU |
2693.0 | STZ4 | Steinsalz IV |
2694.0 | ZLET | Zechstein Letters |
2695.0 | GZHY | Grenzanhydrit |
2696.0 | PGHY | Pegmatitanhydrit |
2697.0 | RSTZ | Roter Salzton |
2698.0 | APSH | Aller Potash |
2699.0 | AHLT | Aller Evaporite | PR |
2700.0 | ALL4 | A4 Unit (Aller Halite) | P |
2701.0 | ALL3 | A3 Unit (Aller Halite) |
2702.0 | ALL2 | A2 Unit (Aller Halite) |
2703.0 | ALL1 | A1 Unit (Aller Halite) |
2704.0 | ALLH | Aller Halite | PU |
2705.0 | ALHU | Upper Halite |
2706.0 | ALHL | Lower Halite |
2707.0 | Z3Z4 | Undifferentiated Z3-Z4 halites |
2708.0 | Z3 | Zechstein Z3 | PR | CNSB |
2709.0 | Z3EV | Z3EV Z3 Evaporite | PU | SONS |
2710.0 | GSCM | Grey Salt Clay Member | PR |
2711.0 | LIHA | Lienien Halite | PU |
2712.0 | ROPO | Ronnenburg Potash |
2713.0 | ROHA | Ronnenburg Halite |
2714.0 | LRHA | Lower Riedel Halite |
2715.0 | RIPO | Riedel Potash |
2716.0 | RIHA | Riedel Halite |
2717.0 | STZ3 | Steinsalz III |
2718.0 | LPSH | Leine Potash |
2719.0 | LEHA | Leine Halite Member |
2720.0 | LEH2 | L2 Unit (Leine Halite) | P |
2721.0 | LEH1 | L1 Unit (Leine Halite) |
2722.0 | GSTZ | Grauer Salzton | PU |
2723.0 | HPHY | Hauptanhydrit |
2724.0 | HPHQ | Hauptanhydrit Equivalent |
2725.0 | PLDT | Plattendolomit |
2726.0 | PLDQ | Plattendolomit Equivalent |
2727.0 | PLTM | Main Dolomite |
2728.0 | LHLT | Leine Evaporite | PR |
2729.0 | ULHT | Upper Leine Halite | PU |
2730.0 | LLHT | Lower Leine Halite |
2731.0 | RAF1 | Raft No.1 |
2732.0 | RAF2 | Raft No.2 |
2733.0 | RAF3 | Raft No.3 |
2734.0 | Z2 | Zechstein Z2 | PK | CNSB |
2735.0 | Z2LA | Z2LA Z2 Lower Anhydrite | PU | SONS |
2736.0 | ROOF | Roof Anhydrite |
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