Order | Type | Group | Form-ati | Member | Description | Upper | Lower | Basin |
By No. | on | Age | Age |
2611.0 | SED | PTRB | Permo Triassic Breccias | P | TL | ANPA |
2612.0 | MAAR | Marginal Deposits | PU | WSXB |
2613.0 | REDM | Red Marl | PR | WCHB |
2614.0 | DAWL | Dawlish Breccia | PK | PR |
2615.0 | TIGN | Teignmouth Breccia | PG | PK |
2616.0 | WCGL | Watcombe Conglomerate | PA |
2617.0 | WCLY | Watcombe Clay | CS | PA |
2618.0 | PSMD | Permian Ssts and Mudstones | PA | PU |
2619.0 | PVLC | Permian Volcanics | CS | PA |
2620.0 | SSSD | Ssts Shales and Dolomites | P | STCR COCB COHI |
2621.0 | COLE | Collyhurst Equivalent | SPEN IRSE |
2622.0 | LPV | Lower Permian Volcanics | PS | PA | STCR COCB COHI |
2623.0 | LPSS | Lower Permian Sandstones | PA | PG | NOCH |
2624.0 | COLL | Collyhurst Sandstones | PL | SOLW IRSEB MANX |
2625.0 | SDCO | Sandstone Unit | P | SPEN IRSE |
2626.0 | MDCO | Mudstone Unit |
2627.0 | COLU | Upper Member | IRSE |
2628.0 | COLW | Lower Member |
2629.0 | COLB | Basal Member |
2630.0 | COLS | Collyhurst Shales | PL | SOLW IRSEB MANX |
2631.0 | DSZC | Ssts under Zech Mdsts salt Carbs | P | NONS |
2632.0 | MANX | Manx Group | PL | PU | SPEN IRSE |
2633.0 | ZECH | Zechstein | PU | SONS CNSB MOFI |
2634.0 | ZECV | Zechstein Volcanics | SONS |
2635.0 | SHRW | Shearwater Salt Formation | CNSB |
2636.0 | BOSI | Bosies Bank Formation | SVIG |
2637.0 | ZOVE | Zechstein Salt Overhang | SONS |
2638.0 | ZAUD | Audrey Salt Wall |
2639.0 | ANHR | Anhydrite Raft |
2640.0 | ZUNS | Undifferentiated Salts |
2641.0 | TUAF | Turbot Anhydrite Formation | CNSB |
2642.0 | HACF | Halibut Carbonate Formation |
2643.0 | PUBS | Permian Upper Beds | SPE |
2644.0 | MLZ3 | Magnesian Limestone Zone | SONS |
2645.0 | MIDS | Middle Salt |
2646.0 | MLZ2 | 2nd Magnesian Limestone Zone |
2647.0 | MANH | Main Anhydrite |
2648.0 | MLZ1 | 1st Magnesian Limestone Zone |
2649.0 | BZBS | Basal Zechstein Sands | P |
2650.0 | BSBD | Basal Beds | SPE |
2651.0 | MSAL | Main Salt | PU | SONS |
2652.0 | PUME | Upper Marls and Evaporites | EMSH |
2653.0 | LMRL | Lower Marls | SONS |
2654.0 | CRML | Carnallitic Marls |
2655.0 | PLHY | Plattenhydrit |
2656.0 | UMEV | Upper Magnesian Evaporite | CLEV |
2657.0 | MMEV | Middle Magnesian Evaporite |
2658.0 | LMMS | Lower Magnesian Limestone | SPE |
2659.0 | MLSL | Marl Slate |
2660.0 | MLSE | Marl Slate Equivalent | EMSH |
2661.0 | UPLM | Upper Permian Limestone |
2662.0 | UML | Upper Magnesian Limestone | SPE |
2663.0 | UMOO | Upper Magnesian Oolite | EMSH |
2664.0 | MMGL | Middle Magnesian Limestone | PK | INMF ESHB |
2665.0 | MMAB | Middle Magnesian Algal Bank | PU | EMSH |
2666.0 | MMOO | Middle Magnesian Oolite |
2667.0 | MPLM | Main Permian Limestone |
2668.0 | LPLS | Lower Permian Limestone | P |
2669.0 | BADO | Basal Dolomites | PU | SONS |
2670.0 | ZEUU | Zechstein Upper Unit |
2671.0 | ZELU | Zechstein Lower Unit |
2672.0 | ZERE | Reworked Zechstein | P | WYGG |
2673.0 | LEVA | Lower Evaporite | PU | SONS |
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