Order | Type | Group | Form-ati | Member | Description | Upper | Lower | Basin |
By No. | on | Age | Age |
2863.0 | SED | ROTL | RLSM | Rotliegendes Lower Sandstone Mbr | PL | MOFI |
2864.0 | MRCF | Middle Rotliegendes Conglomerate |
2865.0 | ROSD | Rotliegend Sandstone | SONS |
2866.0 | ROSL | Rotliegend Siltstone |
2867.0 | RSHL | Rotliegend Shale |
2868.0 | FRAS | Fraserburgh | CNSB |
2869.0 | AUKF | Auk | WYGG DUBB PIPL |
2870.0 | BAMD | Basal Mudstone Formation | SONS |
2871.0 | BPSS | Basal Permian Sands |
2872.0 | BPBS | Basal Permian Breccias | DORS |
2873.0 | BSAB | Basal Sands and Breccias | P | EMSH |
2874.0 | SLVP | Silverpit | PL | SONS |
2875.0 | SLVC | Silverpit Claystone Member |
2876.0 | LSLV | Lower Silverpit Claystone Member |
2877.0 | SPHC | C Halite Member |
2878.0 | SPHB | B Halite Member |
2879.0 | SPHA | A Halite Member |
2880.0 | USLV | Upper Silverpit Member |
2881.0 | SPHT | Silverpit Halite |
2882.0 | SPSM | Silverpit Sandstone Member |
2883.0 | 1SAM | 1st Salt Marker |
2884.0 | 2SAM | 2nd Salt Marker |
2885.0 | LMNS | Leman Sandstone |
2886.0 | LSDA | Leman Sandstone Sand A | P |
2887.0 | LSDB | Leman Sandstone Sand B |
2888.0 | LSDC | Leman Sandstone Sand C |
2889.0 | LSZA | Leman Sandstone Zone A | PL |
2890.0 | LSZB | Leman Sandstone Zone B |
2891.0 | LSZC | Leman Sandstone Zone C |
2892.0 | LSZD | Leman Sandstone Zone D |
2893.0 | LSZE | Leman Sandstone Zone E |
2894.0 | LSZF | Leman Sandstone Zone F | P |
2895.0 | URLM | Upper Rotliegendes Member | PL |
2896.0 | MRLM | Middle Rotliegendes Member |
2897.0 | LRLM | Lower Rotliegendes Member |
2898.0 | ULMS | Upper Leman Sandstone Member |
2899.0 | LLMS | Lower Leman Sandstone Member |
2900.0 | LLZ6 | Lower Leman Sandstone Zone 6 |
2901.0 | LLZ5 | Lower Leman Sandstone Zone 5 |
2902.0 | LLZ4 | Lower Leman Sandstone Zone 4 |
2903.0 | LLZ3 | Lower Leman Sandstone Zone 3 |
2904.0 | LLZ2 | Lower Leman Sandstone Zone 2 |
2905.0 | LLZ1 | Lower Leman Sandstone Zone 1 |
2906.0 | RBCO | Basal Conglomerate |
2907.0 | LMNB | Basal Leman Sandstone |
2908.0 | LSFE | Leman Sandstone Formation Equiv. |
2909.0 | PLCO | Conglomerate Unit | MOFI |
2910.0 | PLSA | Sand Unit |
2911.0 | RWRK | Reworked Carboniferous | P | CNSB |
2912.0 | FOFG | Firth of Forth Group | C |
2913.0 | PCRB | Permo-Carboniferous Red Beds Grp | PL | SONS |
2914.0 | RCAR | Reddened Carboniferous Group | CA | CB | SPEN IRSE |
2915.0 | BRM | Barren Measures | C | SONS |
2916.0 | URCM | Upper Red (Keele) Coal Measures | EMSH |
2917.0 | CSSC | Undiff. Ssts. Shales and Coals | SONS |
2918.0 | UCGP | Upper Carboniferous Group | CU |
2919.0 | CGP | Carboniferous Group | C |
2920.0 | CM | Coal Measures | CW | SOLW IRSEB MANX |
2921.0 | UCMQ | Upper Coal Measures Equivalent | CARD |
2922.0 | BRB | Barren Red Beds Formation | SONS |
2923.0 | KETM | Ketch Member | CP |
2924.0 | RDB | Red Beds | CW |
2925.0 | NGF | Newcastle Formation | CD | WOR |
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