Order | Type | Group | Form-ati | Member | Description | Upper | Lower | Basin |
By No. | on | Age | Age |
2299.0 | SED | TRIG | TIUF | Triassic Unit 4 | TD | TC | WESH |
2300.0 | TIUT | Triassic Unit 3 |
2301.0 | TIUH | Triassic Unit 2 |
2302.0 | TIUD | Triassic Unit 1 |
2303.0 | TRCH | Triassic Chert | T | INMF |
2304.0 | RHAG | Rhaetic Group | TR | SONS |
2305.0 | RHAE | Rhaetic Undifferentiated | TU |
2306.0 | RHAU | Upper Rhaetic | TR | EMSH |
2307.0 | RHAL | Lower Rhaetic |
2308.0 | KMSS | Keuper Mudstones Silt and Ssts | TM | TU | STCR COCB COHI |
2309.0 | SALT | Salt | TC |
2310.0 | GMM | Grey Marl | TN | WCHB |
2311.0 | TGM | Tea Green Marl | TC | TN |
2312.0 | RMRL | Red Marl | TM | TC |
2313.0 | TOWB | Triassic (Offshore Wst.Brit.) Gp | T | SWAP CARD |
2314.0 | UTRS | Upper Triassic Sandstone | TU | WSXB |
2315.0 | TRBT | Transitional Beds | SWAP |
2316.0 | MIKE | Middle Keuper | TC | TN |
2317.0 | UCMK | Upper Clastic |
2318.0 | USMK | Upper Salt |
2319.0 | MCMK | Middle Clastic |
2320.0 | LSKE | Lower Salt | TD | TC |
2321.0 | LOKE | Lower Keuper |
2322.0 | LCLK | Lower Clastic |
2323.0 | TSLK | Transition Zone |
2324.0 | TSAL | Triassic Salt | TU |
2325.0 | BPBE | Bunter Pebble Bed Equivalent | T |
2326.0 | MMG | Mercia Mudstone Group | TM | TN | IRSE ANPA CARD |
2327.0 | DHLT | Dorset Halite | TU | CECH |
2328.0 | MRCS | Mercia Sandstone | T |
2329.0 | ELSW | Elswick Mudstone Formation | IRSE |
2330.0 | WART | Warton Halite Formation |
2331.0 | DBMF | Dowbridge Mudstone Formation | TM | TN |
2332.0 | LEYL | Leyland Formation |
2333.0 | BLPL | Blackpool Mudstone Member | T |
2334.0 | FYDE | Flyde Halite Member |
2335.0 | STAN | St Anah Member |
2336.0 | CLEV | Cleveleys Mudstone Member | TM |
2337.0 | ANDL | Andsell Mudstone Member |
2338.0 | SINF | Singleton Mudstone Formation | T |
2339.0 | MMGA | Mercia Mudstone Unit A | WSXB |
2340.0 | MMGB | Mercia Mudstone Unit B |
2341.0 | MMGC | Mercia Mudstone Unit C |
2342.0 | MMGD | Mercia Mudstone Unit D |
2343.0 | MMGE | Mercia Mudstone Unit E |
2344.0 | MMGF | Mercia Mudstone Group Unit F |
2345.0 | MMGG | Mercia Mudstone Unit G |
2346.0 | UCMG | Upper Claystone Formation | TU | SWAP |
2347.0 | SFMG | Saliferous Formation | TD | TC |
2348.0 | LCMG | Lower Claystone Formation |
2349.0 | MSMM | Massive Salt | TC | TN | CARD |
2350.0 | TNT | Trent Formation | TN | SPE |
2351.0 | GPV | Glen Parva Formation | TR | WID |
2352.0 | EDWA | Edwalton Formation | TC | EMSH |
2353.0 | HARL | Harlequins Formation |
2354.0 | CARL | Carlton Formation | TD |
2355.0 | RADF | Radcliffe Formation |
2356.0 | COL | Colwick Formation |
2357.0 | RET | Retford Formation |
2358.0 | WOOD | Woodthorpe Formation | TA |
2359.0 | COT | Cotgrave Skerry | TC |
2360.0 | HOLS | Hollygate Skerry | T |
2361.0 | GREB | Green Beds |
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