Order | Type | Group | Form-ati | Member | Description | Upper | Lower | Basin |
By No. | on | Age | Age |
1732.0 | SED | INO | LL | Lincolnshire Limestone | JB | SONS |
1733.0 | KIRT | Kirton Cementstone | JN |
1734.0 | LLST | Lower Lincolnshire Limestone | JB | EMSH |
1735.0 | GRIM | Gristhorpe Member | JA | JB | SONS |
1736.0 | HIBO | Hibaldstow Oolite | JB | EMSH |
1737.0 | HIL | Hibaldstow Limestones |
1738.0 | CML | Cleatham Limestone |
1739.0 | NORB | Northampton Ironstone | JA | JC |
1740.0 | OOI | Oolitic Ironstone | JB | WLDB |
1741.0 | VEST | Vestland Group | JM | NONS |
1742.0 | VSCU | Coal Unit | CNSB |
1743.0 | VSRS | Ratty Sandstone Member |
1744.0 | VUSE | Upper Sands Equivalent | NONS |
1745.0 | VABS | A and B Sands Equivalent |
1746.0 | FLAD | Fladen | JA | JN | MOFI CNSB |
1747.0 | PAFL | Fladen Group Paralic Unit | JM | CNSB |
1748.0 | MJVF | Middle Jurassic Volcanics | SVIG |
1749.0 | CASC | Carbonaceous Sands and Coal | JC | MOFI |
1750.0 | MSHS | Micaceous Shaly Sands | JM |
1751.0 | SSJN | Sand/Shale Unit | JN | SVIG |
1752.0 | MSJN | Fladen Massive Sand Unit |
1753.0 | ORRI | Orrin Formation | TR | JE | MOFI |
1754.0 | PARR | Parry Sandstone | JC | JO | INMF |
1755.0 | PENT | Pentland | JA | JN | MOFI CNSB |
1756.0 | CURL | Curlew Member | JU | JM | CNSB |
1757.0 | CSSM | Callovian Sand-Shale Member | JC | SVIG |
1758.0 | CBST | Callovian/Bathonian Sandstone | JN | JC | MOFI |
1759.0 | BSSM | Bathonian Sand-Shale Member | SVIG |
1760.0 | OXCS | Oxfordian - Callovian Sands | JC | JO | ESHB |
1761.0 | CASH | Callovian Shale |
1762.0 | BATS | Bathonian Sands | JN |
1763.0 | BAJS | Bajocian Sands | JB |
1764.0 | RATT | Rattray | JA | JN | WYGG CNSB DUBB |
1765.0 | RATV | Rattray Volcanics | JM | MOFI |
1766.0 | RATE | Rattray Formation Equivalent | CNSB |
1767.0 | SLEI | Sleipner Formation | JB | JN | SVIG |
1768.0 | SLEU | Upper Sleipner | JN |
1769.0 | SLU1 | Sleipner Layer US1 |
1770.0 | SLU2 | Sleipner Layer US2 |
1771.0 | SLM1 | Sleipner Layer MS1 |
1772.0 | SLM2 | Sleipner Layer MS2 |
1773.0 | SLM3 | Sleipner Layer MS3 |
1774.0 | SLL1 | Sleipner Layer LS1 | JB | JN |
1775.0 | SLEA | Unit 1 | JN |
1776.0 | SLEB | Sleipner Unit 2 |
1777.0 | SLEC | Sleipner Unit 3 |
1778.0 | HUGN | Hugin Formation | JC |
1779.0 | LHUG | Lower Hugin Sandy Member |
1780.0 | HUGS | Hugin Sandstone Member |
1781.0 | UHGN | Upper Hugin | JU | NONS |
1782.0 | MHUG | Mid Hugin Shale |
1783.0 | LHGN | Lower Hugin |
1784.0 | BRYN | Bryne Formation | JB | JC | CNSB |
1785.0 | BYSH | Bryne Shale Unit |
1786.0 | BYCU | Bryne Coal Unit |
1787.0 | BYRS | Ratty Sandstone Unit |
1788.0 | BCOL | Brora Coal | JN | HAPL EORB GRSP |
1789.0 | INTB | Brora Coal Interbedded Unit |
1790.0 | HISD | HISD H and I Sands |
1791.0 | TTSA | Top Sand | JN | INMF |
1792.0 | TUPS | Upper Sand |
1793.0 | TFOS | Forty Foot Sand |
1794.0 | TMIS | Middle Sand |
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